Thursday, June 16, 2011

done & will be complete soon

Praise be to ALLAH, Lord of the Universe, Who has give me the blessings and strength in order to complete my  "bachelor"

Thanks to ALLAH..I'm done in my studying..
and hope will be complete (graduate) soon in October

My deepest appreciation goes to my lovely ..."mak n ayah" and my siblings for their endless love, support and understanding throughout the completion of my "bachelor". My appreciation of their encourage are very heartfelt indeed, and may ALLAH reward them.

My warmest gratitude to all lecturers for the invaluable knowledge they gave me during my studying..also my friends for sharing their knowledge and valuable thought and their willingness to listen

--> ayat di atas adalah diciplak dari fyp sy..haha..tu yang ayat macam nak buat karangan..hehe..

pic ni takde sekadar hiasan


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"halfly completed"

moning u olss
dah lame  x updating blog..bukan busy pun..but pura2 menbusy kan diri....
aku kan penanam anggur yang maybe akan berjaya di alam maya...haha
ceritera ni maybe dh lapuk nak dientri kan..
-tapi xkisah la sbb aku punye ikut aku la. hehe-
before nie, aku ade cerita kan pasal sape yang nak dijadikan tunang kepada siapakah..
(pelik ke ayat diatas??)

akhirnye, 4 Jun: "that girl" dh jadi tunang kepada sumone...fuh jelessss nye aku...
aku bile la nak bergelar tunangan orang niiee----> encik bulan,cepat2 la ....ahaks...^_^
sape "that girl" tu??dahla same besday with me...or maybe me??or maybe my twin??
my twin ?? aku ni ade kembar ke?ops..lupe..ade!!!! but not same year besday..haha
but yang pasti not me la kan!!!sbb i'm waitin encik bulan colect duit syiling dulu...
sampai bile la nak tunggu duit syiling sebesar gunung kinabalu kan...hihii
so...sape?sapeeee? op kos la..
"that girl" tu my sis la....a.k.a my twin...cos die same besday with me..but not in same year...

To my beloved sis, "KAK ATIE" : selamat menjadi tunangan kpd NAQI..=)

bukti!!! - xleh nak taruk pic2 lebih-lebih sbb alasan yang tertentu-

ookiesss la u time i update lagi k ..
bubyee..(waiting for encik bulan)